Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Favorite Vegan Blog- Happy. Healthy. Life.

My few loyal readers might remember the ridiculous dedicated Lent pledge that we made to forgo all animal products. It was hard, I'm not going to lie. But the end result is that we eat about 90% vegetarian now, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. We do splurge plenty (my recent weight gain will speak to that), and even have a fancy steak dinner coming up this weekend. But M-F it's usually vegetarian fare in our household.

Eating vegetarian is actually pretty easy. Coming up with exciting dinners on a weekly basis is challenging though, no matter what you eat. I read plenty of food blogs, and this one has had my attention more than most lately. Not only is her title inspiring, but I think she makes food that is accessible for just about anyone. She also happens to take pictures that make her food look nothing short of mouth watering. Her ingredients are usually seasonal, fresh, and for the most part- healthy! Take a look at Healthy. Happy. Life. Below are just a few of the images from some of the lovely dishes she's created.

Baked, Stuffed Sweet Potatoes 
Green Island Fritters over rice

Frosted Blueberry Cake

On Friday night, Hank needed to carb load for an 18 mile run Saturday morning. I felt like doing something nice for him- so I picked a recipe from this site with his favorite (and my least-favorite) ingredient.....peas. I found a recipe for Cheese, Peas 'n Pasta and it seemed perfect. I had most of the ingredients, and it didn't look like it would take too long to make. Plus, it looked (almost) as decadent at macaroni and cheese, which I love! The result? Delicious!!! I was really impressed with the dish and so happy with how it turned out.

There are so many things I want to try from this blog, and I'm looking forward to a few more healthy dishes in the near future. If you need some dinner (or breakfast or lunch) inspiration, take a look at her recipes.

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